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TEB structure

TEB structure 

// Instead of using the Tls fields, use the Win32 TLS APIs
04.//     TlsAlloc, TlsGetValue, TlsSetValue, TlsFree
06.// Instead of using the ReservedForOle field, use the COM API
07.//     CoGetContextToken
09.typedef struct _TEB {
10.    union {
11.        struct {
12.            BYTE Reserved1[1952];
13.            PVOID Reserved2[412];
14.            PVOID TlsSlots[64];
15.            BYTE Reserved3[8];
16.            PVOID Reserved4[26];
17.            PVOID ReservedForOle;  // Windows 2000 only
18.            PVOID Reserved5[4];
19.            PVOID TlsExpansionSlots;
20.        };
21.        struct {
22.            NT_TIB          Tib;                        /* 000 */
23.            PVOID           EnvironmentPointer;         /* 01c */
24.            CLIENT_ID       ClientId;                   /* 020 */
25.            PVOID           ActiveRpcHandle;            /* 028 */
26.            PVOID           ThreadLocalStoragePointer;  /* 02c */
27.            PPEB            Peb;                        /* 030 */
28.            ULONG           LastErrorValue;             /* 034 */
29.            ULONG           CountOfOwnedCriticalSections;/* 038 */
30.            PVOID           CsrClientThread;            /* 03c */
31.            PVOID           Win32ThreadInfo;            /* 040 */
32.            ULONG           Win32ClientInfo[31];        /* 044 used for user32 private data in Wine */
33.            PVOID           WOW32Reserved;              /* 0c0 */
34.            ULONG           CurrentLocale;              /* 0c4 */
35.            ULONG           FpSoftwareStatusRegister;   /* 0c8 */
36.            PVOID           SystemReserved1[54];        /* 0cc used for kernel32 private data in Wine */
37.            LONG            ExceptionCode;              /* 1a4 */
38.            ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK ActivationContextStack; /* 1a8 */
39.            BYTE            SpareBytes1[24];            /* 1bc used for ntdll private data in Wine */
40.            PVOID           SystemReserved2[10];        /* 1d4 used for ntdll private data in Wine */
41.            GDI_TEB_BATCH   GdiTebBatch;                /* 1fc used for vm86 private data in Wine */
42.            ULONG           gdiRgn;                     /* 6dc */
43.            ULONG           gdiPen;                     /* 6e0 */
44.            ULONG           gdiBrush;                   /* 6e4 */
45.            CLIENT_ID       RealClientId;               /* 6e8 */
46.            HANDLE          GdiCachedProcessHandle;     /* 6f0 */
47.            ULONG           GdiClientPID;               /* 6f4 */
48.            ULONG           GdiClientTID;               /* 6f8 */
49.            PVOID           GdiThreadLocaleInfo;        /* 6fc */
50.            PVOID           UserReserved[5];            /* 700 */
51.            PVOID           glDispachTable[280];        /* 714 */
52.            ULONG           glReserved1[26];            /* b74 */
53.            PVOID           glReserved2;                /* bdc */
54.            PVOID           glSectionInfo;              /* be0 */
55.            PVOID           glSection;                  /* be4 */
56.            PVOID           glTable;                    /* be8 */
57.            PVOID           glCurrentRC;                /* bec */
58.            PVOID           glContext;                  /* bf0 */
59.            ULONG           LastStatusValue;            /* bf4 */
60.            UNICODE_STRING  StaticUnicodeString;        /* bf8 used by advapi32 */
61.            WCHAR           StaticUnicodeBuffer[261];   /* c00 used by advapi32 */
62.            PVOID           DeallocationStack;          /* e0c */
63.            PVOID           TlsSlots_[64];              /* e10 */
64.            LIST_ENTRY      TlsLinks;                   /* f10 */
65.            PVOID           Vdm;                        /* f18 */
66.            PVOID           ReservedForNtRpc;           /* f1c */
67.            PVOID           DbgSsReserved[2];           /* f20 */
68.            ULONG           HardErrorDisabled;          /* f28 */
69.            PVOID           Instrumentation[16];        /* f2c */
70.            PVOID           WinSockData;                /* f6c */
71.            ULONG           GdiBatchCount;              /* f70 */
72.            ULONG           Spare2;                     /* f74 */
73.            ULONG           Spare3;                     /* f78 */
74.            ULONG           Spare4;                     /* f7c */
75.            PVOID           ReservedForOle_;            /* f80 */
76.            ULONG           WaitingOnLoaderLock;        /* f84 */
77.            PVOID           Reserved5_[3];              /* f88 */
78.            PVOID          *TlsExpansionSlots_;         /* f94 */
79.            ULONG           ImpersonationLocale;        /* f98 */
80.            ULONG           IsImpersonating;            /* f9c */
81.            PVOID           NlsCache;                   /* fa0 */
82.            PVOID           ShimData;                   /* fa4 */
83.            ULONG           HeapVirtualAffinity;        /* fa8 */
84.            PVOID           CurrentTransactionHandle;   /* fac */
85.            PVOID           ActiveFrame;                /* fb0 */
86.            PVOID          *FlsSlots;                   /* fb4 */
87.                        struct _TEB    *self;
88.        };
89.    };
90.} TEB;
91.typedef TEB *PTEB;

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